
The Parent Council is a group of parents who represent all the parents of children at our school. Please find below the aims of our Parent Council.

  • to work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents
  • to promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all its parents.
  • to develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils.
  • to identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils.

Current Parent Members:

Parent Council Chair:  Mr N Lowden

Vice Chair: Mrs J Carnegie

Teacher Representative: Mrs Lowden

Co-opted Members: Mrs M MacPhail

Church Representative: Father Johnny

Our Parent Council meets approximately once each term and meetings are open to all parents. Minutes of the meetings are available on the parent notice board in school.

If you have any queries or suggestions you can contact our Parent Council Chairperson, (Angela Foote) directly by email at: –  Alternatively, Angela is available at the school gates most days at 3.15 and will be happy to answer any questions.

Meetings last between 45 minutes and 1 hour.

Useful Information for Parents

We use Seesaw as our main communication tool in school to share your child’s learning journey and to share any other information. Please check Seesaw daily for updates to stay informed 🙂

Scottish Catholic Education Service (SCES)

email :          website:

SCES have an ad-hoc Parental Involvement Group which has been established by the Catholic Education Commission to offer support to parents who wish to provide their children with formation in the Catholic Faith. For more information you can either visit the SCES website, email the Parental Involvement Group or view the leaflets and newsletter on our Parent Noticeboard in the School’s corridor.

National Parent Forum for Scotland  (NPFS)


websites : www.parentforumscotland,org.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has been set up to give Parent Councils and Parents an opportunity to discuss and raise educational issues of mutual interest or concerns at a national level. The Forum will work in partnership with national and local government and other organisations involved in education and well being issues to represent parents in pursuit of our aim to help every pupil maximise his/her potential.Dundee’s area representative is Mary O’Conner , email:   telephone: 07803 618348

Constitution for St Ninian’s R.C Primary School Dundee: A copy of our Constitution for the school is available on our Parent Noticeboard in the School’s corridor.