Category: Celebrate

P7 hoodie change

P7 pupil voice was in action when they wrote Mrs MacPhail a letter asking if hoodies could be ordered earlier in the year and for the colour to be changed from black to green....

Karate Queen!

Well done to Imogen for her success in a karate competition. Can you believe this girl is a black belt?!!!! We are so proud of her.

JLT Christmas Jumper Competition

Our JLT held a competition to design the best Christmas jumper. Mrs Rollo and Holly were the judges. the winners were: P1-Scarlett, P2 Daisy, P3 Leaon, P4 Aoife, P5 Blaike, P6 Ramsey, P7 Alix....

JLT competition

Our JLT decided to hold a Christmas competition. They needed to gather some information on the pricing for prizes. Charlotte and Ola were responsible for this and did a great job, negotiating cost and...

Oh Christmas Tree

Time for our REAL tree to go up to help us get in the festive spirit. Our P7 JLT members were in charge of the decorating!